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Meet the Library Staff

Picture of Jessica Schmidt Harry Street Librarian

Jessica Schmidt, Librarian

I am the library media specialist at Harry Street Elementary. I love working in the library and helping students and staff locate resources, use technology, and find just the right book. I also work with the Wichita Public Library to have our students check out e-books.

I see students once a week to teach a lesson and to checkout books. On Wednesdays, I will have students while their regular education teachers are participating in Professional Development. On Wednesdays, we focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities and centers.

Please feel free to stop by the library whenever you are at Harry Street. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Email is the quickest way to receive a reply.


Email Me

Guide to Book Care

  • Keep your books in a safe place.
  • Return your books on time.
  • Do not eat or drink while reading library books.
  • Wash and dry your hands before reading library books.
  • Keep books away from pets and little ones. They do not know how to take care of books!
  • Never draw or write in a library book!
  • Always use a bookmark!
  • If the library book has been damaged, bring it to your librarian. They will repair it if they can. DO NOT REPAIR THE BOOK YOURSELF! Your librarian has the right tools and training to fix books. 
  • If you lose your book or it is damaged while in your care, you will need to pay to replace it. Talk to your librarian.